2024 Holiday Tips Survey: The Results are IN!



Here are the key findings from the Park Slope Parents Holiday Tips Survey, in which Brooklyn residents report their upcoming end-of-year gifts to service providers, nannies, teachers, and more. 

A little (or big) thanks goes a long way. From crossing guards to hair stylists to accountants to after-school staff, tutors, and therapists, there’s a wide range of people with whom you’ve likely crossed paths over the past year. Everyone likes to feel


Favorite Lunar New Year Picture Books

What’s the PSP Chinese Group talking about this week? Our parents have some recommendations for the best Lunar New Year picture books. Put in your order now to keep the festivities going!

Did you know that Park Slope Parents has more than a dozen bilingual and heritage groups to help you get connected to families in Brooklyn who share your cultural background? Click HERE to get connected; and if you’re not yet a member of PSP, join us HERE!

pile of Japanese lucky cat

2020 Holiday Tips Survey: The Results are IN!

The findings from the 2020 annual Park Slope Parents Holiday Tips Survey, in which Brooklyn residents report their upcoming end-of-year gifts to service providers, nannies, and teachers.


How to Help this Holiday Season: Volunteer & Giving Opportunities in Brooklyn

As we head into a most unusual holiday season, we at PSP hope you’ll join us in supporting those who have been hit hardest by the pandemic and its effects on poverty,  food insecurity,  and housing insecurity. No matter your age, skillset, or availability, there’s an opportunity for you to donate some time or money to lend a hand this holiday season.

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The PSP Guide to Halloween Fun in the Time of Coronavirus

Events, socially distanced ideas, and trick-or-treating updates

Like all other aspects of life, spooky celebrations will look a little—or a lot—different this year. But we at Park Slope Parents are a resourceful bunch, and we’ve got some tricks up our sleeves to help you have a hair-raisingly haunting Halloween despite the circumstances. Read on...if you dare!

Are you a parent in Brooklyn who's not yet a Park Slope Parents member? JOIN US today to


2019 Holiday Guide to Tree Lightings, Caroling, Santa Photos and More!

Here are all the great holiday happenings in Brooklyn and beyond this season. Also check out our article about Where to See Christmas Lights (including Dyker Heights). Holiday window displays run until the new year!

Ways to Give 2019

Giving is a great way to help those who need a hand up this holiday season. We have many ways to help, including gift drives, warm winter wear drives and more.  For any of the great drives below, feel free to organize a toy drive with your office or your baby group!  Have a holiday party potluck and have people bring gifts to donate.

Share these drives with work colleagues, block associations, or on social media. Every little bit helps!


Surviving The Holidays

How to survive the Holidays

There's a not so funny joke that goes like this:

"Why your family is so good at pushing your buttons?"


"Because they installed them!"

So as you go into the holidays next week (I’m giving you a week to prepare) try to remember that it took years to learn those now-instant knee-jerk reactions to the crazy things that your family does. I don't know about you, but it's hard not to turn into the 13 year old runt of


Fall and Halloween Events -- 2019 Edition

It was a great Halloween! Next year Halloween is on a SATURDAY!  Fun to come!  Make sure to join Park Slope Parents to be up on all of the action!

Here are some PHOTOS of the Parade:

Susan Fox Photos 

Don Wiss Photos

2019 Rosh Hashanah & High Holiday Events

Park Slope Jewish Center

PSJC welcomes you and your family to join us for our youth and family services on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur! Our open tent (literally!) service are open to the community and welcome your entire family from toddlers to teens a place to celebrate with singing, stories, and the shofar.  For service descriptions and times for all of our options from toddlers to teens to family services, please visit the websites below.

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LGBTQ+ Family Friendly Events-- 2019 edition

Here are our picks for Family Friendly PRIDE Events for June 2019

Kidding Around Family Pride Picnic

When: Saturday, June 29, 10am - 1pm

Where: On the High Line (16th Street to Gansevoort Street)

How Much: Free (Guests must register in advance herehttps://www.eventbrite.com/e/kidding-around-family-pride-picnic-tickets-59243127790

What: A celebration of LGBTQ+ families and Pride through a summer festival with carnival-style games, face

Conversational Hearts Best Version2 2

Strengthening Relationships

Parenting puts a lot of pressure on a relationship, even a good one. With this in mind, here’s a short list of things to do to strengthen relationships.  The first year of a new baby's life is one of the hardest for new parents. Add a second kid complicates things. Making time as a couple is KEY to being a good partnership in parenting. 

2018 Holiday Tips Survey: The Results are IN!

Here are the key findings from the 2018, 7th annual Park Slope Parents Holiday Tips Survey in which Brooklyn residents report their upcoming end of year gifts to service providers, nannies, and teachers.


Too Many Presents/Gifts

Getting too many presents for your kids? Here's some ideas on how to decrease the consumerism.

Quick link: Just looking to find a loving home for unneeded items? See PSP’s list of places to donate toys, gifts and household items. Also check out our page on How to Help this Holiday Season, which includes several donation and toy/gift drive opportunities.


Is Santa Claus real?

The ins and outs of creating (or not creating) the Santa Claus myth.

How to Help this Holiday Season: 2021 Edition

Find donation and volunteer opportunities for every family and budget.

Want more good stuff? Check out the PSP Guide to the Holidays to find your perfect celebration.

Not yet a member of Park Slope Parents? Join us today to get connected to the PSP Activists Group, Volunteer Corps, and so much more!

MLK Day of Service: How to Help in 2022

Did you know that Martin Luther King Jr. Day is the only federal holiday designated as a national day of service? In honor of Dr. King's legacy fighting for systemic change, this Monday, January 17th, is a great time to volunteer to improve our community.

Here are a few ways you and your kids can help!


Helping a Food Pantry This Thanksgiving

Supporting a food pantry is a great way to help New Yorker in need. It’s also an easy way for kids to learn about the importance of helping others. A food drive is a great way to involve even young children. You can collect food as a family, with a group of friends or in your child’s class at school. Here are some local food pantries to consider...

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Tipping Summer Camp Counselors

Your child has finished a week or more at a summer camp.  What (if anything) do you do when it comes to saying farewell to the counselors that kept your kids busy & happy. This article offers advice on tipping summer camp counselors from neighborhood parents.

Nanny Goodbye Gifts (including final compensation and pay)

Parting is such sweet sorrow... Looking for a special gift idea to give to your nanny when saying goodbye?  Here are some member suggestions.


Gift Ideas: Practical Baby Items

One PSP member asked their baby group: "I'm putting together a baby gift for my newly pregnant friend, and the theme of the gift is "highly practical baby items." (I suspect most of her other gifts will be highly impractical.) Thinking back to after you had your baby: what were highly practical, must-have items you wish you'd gotten in advance, rather than having to do a midnight Duane Reade run?"

Independence Project: Food Drive Participation

Let your older kids shop by themselves and donate the food to the Camp Friendship Food Drive.


TOP 12 Things to Think About When Moving (including what to tip movers!)

Moving can be a stressful time. But if you take steps to familiarize yourself with the way it is regulated and what rights and responsibilities you have, you'll likely have a much smoother move. Here are some things to think about as you prepare for your move.

Need some tips for making the transition with kids run more smoothly?  Check out our Moving with Kids article.  

Image by Nicolas Huk

2024 NYC Holiday Events: A PSP Guide

Here’s what you need to know for this holiday season in Brooklyn! We’re updating this page as new events cross our desk, so keep checking back.

Not yet a member of Park Slope Parents? Give yourself the gift of a supportive community and join us!

***PSP is continually updating this page. Check back later for more updates***

2023 Holiday Happenings: The PSP Guide

Here’s what you need to know for this holiday season in Brooklyn! We’re updating this page as new events cross our desk, so keep checking back.

Not yet a member of Park Slope Parents? Give yourself the gift of a supportive community and join us!

How to Help this Holiday Season: 2022 Edition

Find donation and volunteer opportunities for every family and budget. We're continuing to update this page as new ways to give cross our desk, so keep checking back!

Want more good stuff? Check out 2022 Holiday Happenings: The PSP Guide to find your perfect celebration!

Not yet a member of Park Slope Parents? Join us today to get connected to the PSP Activists Group, Volunteer Corps, and so much more!

2022 Holiday Happenings: The PSP G​​uide

Here’s what you need to know for this holiday season in Brooklyn! We’re updating this page as new events cross our desk, so keep checking back.

Not yet a member of Park Slope Parents? Give yourself the gift of a supportive community and join us!

The PSP Guide to Halloween + Harvest Fun: 2022 Edition

Calling all ghouls and ghosties—PSP's Halloween roundup has arrived! We'll continue updating this page as new events cross our desk, so check back for the best and spookiest happenings all around Brooklyn and beyond. 

Are you a parent in Brooklyn who's not yet a Park Slope Parents member?JOIN US today to chat with fellow families about trick-or-treating best practices, share intel on the best pumpkin patches, and get advice on everything from


Black History Month in Brooklyn and Beyond: 2022 Edition

February is Black History Month! Here are events (both in person and online) and resources to help you and your kids educate and celebrate all month long.

The PSP Guide to the Holidays: 2021 Edition

Everything you need to know for this holiday season in Brooklyn! We’re updating this page as new events cross our desk, so keep checking back.

Want to give back to folks in the community? Check out our article on How to Help!

Not yet a member of Park Slope Parents? Give yourself the gift of a supportive community and join us!

The Park Slope Parents Guide to Thanksgiving

Whether you're heading out of town, relaxing at home,  or braving the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, PSP has tips to help your family have a wonderful experience this holiday season!

By the way—Park Slope Parents is thankful for YOU! If you're not yet a part of the PSP community, join here.


PSP Mental Health Check-In: STILL HOME for the Holidays with Joey Ackerman, LCSW-R

Park Slope Parents hosted a webinar with Joey Ackerman, LCSW-R, who shared wisdom on handling the realities of this holiday season and accepting the challenging emotions it may bring.

To get access to more events like this one, and to find solidarity with other parents in Brooklyn navigating life and raising kids during the pandemic, join the Park Slope Parents community today!


Winter staycation? Here's what to do with kids in NYC!

Planning a staycation this winter? Here, PSP members share ideas of what to do with kids in New York City during the December school break and beyond.


