Important Reminder: Nanny Update

An important email PSP sent to members on January 19, 2014 about recent trouble we've experienced with nannies in Park Slope.

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Important Reminder About Choosing a Daycare/Preschool

Dear PSP Members,

There have been a few situations in the past weeks that warrant us posting information that you should be aware of regarding Daycares and Preschools.

Update on Nanny Posts to the Classifieds (September 2012)

September 8, 2012:

Hey All,

This summer has been busy for the Park Slope Parents Nanny moderators.  We've had a number of fraudulent recommendations to the PSP Classifieds (and many more that didn't make it to the list). We've been on the phone with recommenders, shaking the trees for "the real story."  Most recently we had an employer let a nanny go because she realized that the references she had relied on to hire her nanny were fake. It was

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IMPORTANT: Park Slope Parents is moving off Yahoo! Groups

Heads up!

We're moving off Yahoo! 

Great News! We’re moving off Yahoo! groups for our Classifieds and Advice/Community Groups in the coming weeks! 

Launch Date: December 1

NOTE: YAHOO! GROUPS HAS BEEN GLITCHY so it's great timing! 

Here are some of the GREAT things about the move:

  • No more invites   The new system allows us to add you to groups. There will still be a short delay as it’s still not an automated process, but no more looking for invites in

Safety Reminders for Your Home

Earlier this month, a PSP member came home to an intruder in her home. It was after she had put her toddler down for a nap that she discovered him hiding in her bathroom. The intruder was able to force his way into her apartment because the lock had not been deadbolted. This is a reminder to the community that locking the knob or lever lock is not enough to protect against break-ins and should never be relied upon as the main security lock. 

