Find and Join a Language & Bilingual Group

PSP Specialty Groups include our very active Bilingual Groups. These groups are for parents who have an interest in, or who speak in, languages other than English. The focus is on arranging activities conducted in a foreign language as well as providing support.  Our Multilingual Families group is a primary source of engagement for families speaking in languages other than English. This group offers networking and support for parents raising kids


Find & Join Our General Interest Groups!

Looking to meet parents who like to cook, be fit or go hiking? Or what other moms & dads like like knitting, the environment or writing? Check out one of many PSP's active general interests group. 

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Find and Join our Pregnancy, Baby & Toddler Groups!

Hey there! Thanks for your interest in our pregnancy and baby groups. You can find all of our over 100 groups, including baby groups for your correct season and year, on THIS PAGE instead.

What is a Tough Stuff Group?

Families need as strong of a support network as possible, especially when they're going through tough situations. The goal of our tough stuff groups are to connect members to a nurturing community that understands and can relate, personally

Join our specialty groups, including Tough Stuff, here.

FAQs about Specialty, Baby & Career Groups

Looking for a comprehensive list of all the different groups PSP offers members? If so, you'll find them over HERE.

Already a PSP member and looking to manage your settings in your speciality groups in Club Express?

Read our FAQs HERE.

Join the SDS Group (Separated, Divorced, Single Parents)

The purpose of the SDS (Separated, Divorced, and Single) Parents group is to provide positive support and resources for parents dealing with issues of separation, divorce, co-parenting with a former partner, and single parenting.


How to Join the PSP Baby Groups

Interested in a Pregnancy or New Parent Group with other folks expecting around the same time as you? Join a Park Slope Parents Baby Group! And if you're a Brooklyn parent who's not yet a member of Park Slope Parents, let's fix that. Join us HERE! You'll join a baby group as part of the sign up process. We'll get you added when you join!

PSP Career Networking

PSP Career Networking is an official off-shoot of the Park Slope Parents listserve. The group provides a supportive and active networking community for parents interested in: networking, changing careers, looking for work, going back to school, discussing work/life balance and offering employment or advice to other members.

Already a member of PSP Career Networking and looking for the group?  Find it HERE


Find and Join our Tweens and Teens Group

Already a member of PSP Tweens and Teens and looking for the group?  Find it HERE (You'll need to sign in with your membership username and password).


Find a group

Find and Join Our PSP Groups

Park Slope Parents is a community of Brooklyn parents who share ideas. Along with our larger groups (PSP Advice, PSP Classifieds, and PSP Career Networking), we have smaller, cozy groups to help you chat / meet up—in person or via Zoom—and share the joys and jokes, trials and tribulations of parenting.

Find and Join Our PSP Career Groups

Do you want to meet other parents in the same career field as you?  Do you want to talk shop with other Park Slopers? From data geeks to working moms, fashionistas and marketing gurus, lawyers or journalists, and many. many more - there is a career subgroups for you! 

