Neighborhood Info - The Slope and Beyond
Friday, April 17th, was Crossing Guard Appreciation Day at the 78th Precinct! All the women were extremely thankful that their hard work was appreciated. It was a cold winter and they are out there braving all kinds of weather (like today) to help our kids/families stay safe...
Frequently askes questions about PSP clothing swaps.
A Guide For How To Do It Right!
A block party is as Brooklyn as brick oven pizza. A block party makes your street, avenue, or building a place for fun, games, and connecting with neighbors. Here’s how to make one summer’s day (or spring or fall day) a delightful memory.
With a few simple steps, rules and preparation, home exchanges and subletting can be a really positive experience. As a renter, housing exchanges can offer you the comforts of being in a home and provide your family with plenty of space and amenities. And as a host, you can even make some money from renting out your home to visitors.
Bad experience at Ikea? Members speak out.....
Local CSAs (Most CSA’s run May/June through November.)
The event application process - from the 76th Precinct Community Newsletter
Thinking about summer and Block Parties? Since it can take 60 days (or 90 in some areas), you might need to get crackin’ on plannin’.
Here’s some information about throwing a great party as well as links to applying in Community Board 6 and CB7.
PSP members recently shared their favorite local businesses to the Advice List.
Don't forget to shop local when you can, don’t forget to take advantage of the 600+ discounts available as part of your PSP membership, and support our local businesses & community!
image via a Creative Commons license
Here are PSP member favorite local spots: