Advice about getting back on your feet and fit as a fiddle.

Important Message from Park Slope Parents (PSP): Just a reminder, PSP member posts are not checked for accuracy. The content is for general informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice. is not intended to, and does not, provide medical advice diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice, or delay in seeking it, because of something you have read on the PSP groups or on the website.

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Community Reminder: The Flu and Viruses

You've all probably heard the warnings about the flu going around.We had questions about getting vaccines this week on our list. As a community we can do a lot to keep ourselves and our neighbors healthy so we're posting these neighborly reminders!

Advice for after a miscarriage

 Summary of what to do for a dear friend who miscarried in her second trimester.

Bed Bug Resources

Got bed bugs? Here are some links and information on bed bugs, infestations, treating and more!


Encouragement after Multiple Miscarriages

Encouragement for someone who has had more than one miscarriage.


Hair loss

As one parent writes the group: "I'm dealing with postpartum hair loss. Someone mentioned being evaluated for hypothyroidism. Has anyone here tried treating postpartum hair loss this way? What doctor did you see? Did it help?" Here is advice from over the years.

Health Insurance for Families

My family, including my then 8-month old baby, found ourselves uninsured after layoffs hit our family and COBRA expired. Then, in subsequent years, I found myself without health insurance and pregnant. I have learned that there is help out there so below is a wrap-up of what I've learned/found out.


Mommy's Thumb, Wrist and Tendonitis

Mommy's thumb, mommy's wrist, deQuervain's tendonitis and tenosynovitis, or even carpal tunnel — here's how PSP members handled it.

The Vasectomy Experience

PSP members talk about getting a vasectomy, including the procedure itself and recovery time.

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Tips to Getting in Shape and Losing Weight

Getting a workout in can be tough. Especially if you are a working parent, there never feels like enough time in a day to get it all done. Here, working parents share how they manage to squeeze in exercise and get back in shape.

Wanna lose some baby weight? Be sure to read these PSP member post-partum specific fitness tips here.

When to call the pediatrician

Advice about when to call the pediatrician


How to find time for self-care and exercise, including tips from a parent AND personal trainer

"Are you good at fitting in self-care?" asks a PSP Member. They go on to write, "I really want right now is to return to regular exercise but I find the exhaustion and the lack of time hard to negotiate. Do you have any tips? How do you get your hands free when your kid literally always wants to be holding your hand?"

Here are PSP member replies...


What To Do With The Nanny When The Family Gets Sick

What do you do with your nanny when the whole family gets sick? Here, PSP members share how they handled it.

Resources For a Traumatic Birth Experience

No two birth experiences are alike and a mother's transition from labor and delivery to new motherhood can be vastly different. For some , moving out of a traumatic birth experience (TBE) can take a long time to happen. Some have been physically injured by the birth of their baby, and postpartum care doesn't always address these health issues. Others are impacted by anxiety, anger and disappointment around their birth as well as full blown


