
With Little Kids: Ideas for Family Movie Night!

What to watch with your little ones on family movie night!

Also check out our page with Marvelous Movies for 3s and 4s.

If you’re not yet a member of PSP, join us today and connect with a community of parents who will watch movies with you and so much more!


Best Science Museums, According to PSP Members

The following quesiton was asked to the Park Slope Parents group: "My rising 6th grader has summer homework to “visit a science museum and write a journal entry describing what you saw and what you learned from it”. What’s your favorite Science Museum?"
Here are their votes!

Marvelous Movies for 3s and 4s

Need to switch up your cinematic rotation? Park Slope Parents members have ideas for movies that are sure to be a hit with the three-to-four-year old set—including a few that might just be equally loved by parents.

If you’re not yet a member of PSP, join us today and connect with a community of parents who will watch movies with you and so much more!

