As one frustrated new parent shares:
I'm getting the distinct impression from my parents that they are not nearly as up-to-date on baby safety as I would like (e.g. questioning why I want to know make and model of hand-me-down cradle, being surprised that bumpers are a no-no in cribs, etc.). Is there a book that specifically targets grandparents that I can give them as a reference (and to let them know that I am NOT crazy)? I'm a
little concerned that they will unknowingly put our daughter in a bad situation, just because that's how things were done when I was little.
5 Tips:
1. Bring up safety info in conversation as subjects. When things like cribs and car seats come up, and forward/print out articles on safety as a way to educate both new parents (you) and new grandparents (them)
2. Don't necessarily buy into current trends for how to raise kids; listen to Grandma's advice, because things are going to be fine
3. Inform grandparents that certain things either are/aren't recommended by the child's doctor, or are against the law (e.g. riding in a car without a carseat)
4. Suggest grandparents attend a good infant CPR class,that also covers the most recent safety information regarding car seats, cribs, etc.
5. Keep in mind that your relationship with your parents is ever-evolving, and that you don't want to alienate them or cause unnecessary strain by nagging or distrusting them. Having a first baby is stressful in the beginning, but you will eventually learn to relax as baby gets older and more capable.
-Recommended books: The Granny Diaries by Adair Lara and Baby 411 by
Denise Fields and Ari Brown
Further Reading on Park Slope Parents:
Don’t Fear The Bathroom: Babyproofing in the Real World
Car seat Installation and Safety
PSP Recommendations for: