While the shelter in place has not been lifted, folks may be starting to think about having their house cleaners return. Hopefully you’ve been able to continue paying your domestic workers and have stayed in touch with them during the lockdown. As you reconnect and invite them back into your home, these tips and things to consider can help keep both your cleaner and your family safe.
Safety in the Home
Thinking through creating childcare solutions with two (or more) families to help reduce costs, get childcare coverage, and create opportunities for safer socialization will take some planning. Park Slope Parents to the rescue!
Planning on outdoor activities with your pod this winter? Check out our article on Dressing Kids for Outdoor School & Play!
Have a nanny in your life or looking for one? You definitely need to read this.
An important email PSP sent to members on January 19, 2014 about recent trouble we've experienced with nannies in Park Slope.
Earlier this month, a PSP member came home to an intruder in her home. It was after she had put her toddler down for a nap that she discovered him hiding in her bathroom. The intruder was able to force his way into her apartment because the lock had not been deadbolted. This is a reminder to the community that locking the knob or lever lock is not enough to protect against break-ins and should never be relied upon as the main security lock.
Tips from parents on how to get your Teen/ Tween to remember their keys!
Every household should have a fire safety plan. Read on for tips and guidelines on establishing yours and communicating it to your kids.
Park Slope Parents outlines the steps you need to take...
Learn how to conduct a FAMILY FIRE DRILL with your kids and family so you have a plan on what to do in case of emergency.
A personal tale of the importance of carbon monoxide detectors.
tips and resources to clean up the medicine cabinet...
Safety tips for cleaning the house.
Lead is dangerous, and lead poisoning can be life-threatening. Here are some starting points to help you understand lead in your home and keep your family safe.
Frequently asked questions about window guards, home safety, and responsibility.
PSP Members share advice about handling mold.
Information about safegaurding your house when hiring housekeepers/nannies/caregivers and other hired help around the home.
You may want to run a background check on your potential Nanny. Here's how...
The idea of getting the wrong prescription IS extremely scary and life-threatening. I talked to my local pharmacist and he gave me some tips on what to do to be diligent about the prescriptions your health care provider is prescribing.
What to have a "Go Bag" ready in the event of an emergency.