In this section of the PSP website, you will find articles to help you with nesting and preparation. Looking for PSP member reviews of stores in the neeighborhood related to shopping for the baby?  Go to the recommendations section of the PSP website here.

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Shoe Advice For Pregnant Moms

Tips and recommendations from PSP members for what to wear when your feet swell during pregancy.

Babymoon Ideas

What’s a babymoon, anyway? Like a honeymoon, it’s a chance to spend quality time with your partner—but this time, it’s specifically planned to take place before the birth of a new baby, as a chance to just chill out, center yourselves, and deepen your bond before a huge and exciting change in your life.

Below, find inspiration for couples’ trips as close to home as Queens and as far away as Barcelona. Plus—if you’re not yet a member of PSP,


Gift Ideas: Practical Baby Items

One PSP member asked their baby group: "I'm putting together a baby gift for my newly pregnant friend, and the theme of the gift is "highly practical baby items." (I suspect most of her other gifts will be highly impractical.) Thinking back to after you had your baby: what were highly practical, must-have items you wish you'd gotten in advance, rather than having to do a midnight Duane Reade run?"

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Baby Resources - awesome advice from a PSP Member

Secrets of the Baby WhispererBelow are Resources offered by one of our Park Slope Parents members based on her journey. It was adapted from “MARA’S BABY RESOURCES” by Park Slope Parents Member, Mara Sheftel. Thanks Mara!


How To Take Beautiful Maternity Photos of your Pregnancy

Taking photos of your body developing, growing, and expanding with your baby is a wonderful way to document your experiences as a soon-to-be-mother.  You don't need to be a professional to take beautiful images. Here, Park Slope Parents' own Susan Fox shares her images and wisdom that will hopefully inspire you to take beautiful photos of your own.


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What to Bring to the Hospital

A list of things to make your labor, delivery, and recovery comfortable.


Belly Cast

What is a belly cast and should I care?

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Stuff for Baby

Suggested list of items to buy for your new baby

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Cord Blood Banking

Wondering what to do with your baby’s cord blood? Park Slope Parents members discuss the pros and cons as well as deliberating public vs. private cord blood banks. Here are some tips and insights as well as some resources for further research.

