Information about preparing for the big day!

Important Message from Park Slope Parents (PSP): Just a reminder, PSP member posts are not checked for accuracy. The content is for general informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice. is not intended to, and does not, provide medical advice diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice, or delay in seeking it, because of something you have read on the PSP groups or on the website.


Birth and Beyond: Wisdom from Our 2020 New Parents

Park Slope Parents ran two Zoom sessions for expectant parents, which included new parents who had their babies in July, August, September, and October of 2020. We had someone join with a four-day-old! Here’s a summary of some of the great advice they imparted to our expectant parents from the Park Slope Parents November 2020, December 2020, January 2021, and February 2021 groups!

If you’re not yet part of the Park Slope Parents community, join

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Wisdom from our 2020–21 Birthing Experience Survey

The results are in from our 2020–21 Birthing Experience Survey! More than 250 Park Slope Parents members shared their honest reviews of OB GYNS, midwives, doulas, hospitals, and other support folks throughout Brooklyn and beyond, and they also passed along sage advice on pregnancy, birthing, and the post-partum period.

For member reviews and recommendations, view ourOb-Gyns, Birthing, Fertility and Post-Partum category; and for wisdom, read


Wisdom from the Summer/Fall 2022 Birthing Survey

The results from our latest Birthing Experience Survey are in! Park Slope Parents members shared their honest reviews of OB-GYNS, midwives, doulas, hospitals, and other support folks throughout Brooklyn and beyond. They also passed along sage advice on pregnancy, birthing, and the post-partum period.

For member reviews and recommendations, head here; and for wisdom, read on!

Not yet a member of Park Slope Parents? Join us to connect with a

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Birth and Beyond: Wisdom from New Parents

Huge thanks to our new parents who volunteered to headline a recent meet-up with expectant folks and share their experiences and advice for pre-, during, and post-birth. It’s so very helpful to listen to those people who have recently “been there, done that” with labor, delivery, birth, and home again. Find the key takeaways from our past Birth and Beyond event below—and if you’re not yet a member of Park Slope Parents,get connected to your

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The Park Slope Parents Birthing and Postpartum Toolkit

Welcoming a new member of the family and need some guidance on what's in store? Look no further than the Park Slope Parents Birthing Toolkit and Postpartum Toolkit.

Since the start of the pandemic in 2020, Park Slope Parents has been compiling tips for managing pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period. We've revamped these documents in an ongoing basis to add even more relevant advice, and we're excited to share with you the wisdom of


Birth and Beyond Stories: January 2021

Park Slope Parents held a meet-up headlined by a few awesome members who volunteered to share their experiences birthing in NYC during the last few months. Find the key takeaways for expectant parents below!

Also check out the PSP Birthing and Postpartum Toolkit, featuring more than 60 pages of information on all aspects of the expectancy, birthing, and postpartum journey!



Life After Birth: PSP Members share their Post-birth Advice

What happens after birth? PSP parents share their real life experiences and perspective about life after birth.


Pre-birth Advice from PSP Members

How do you prepare for birth? PSP parents share their real life experiences and perspective on getting ready for giving birth.


To Doula or Not To Doula During Childbirth

An extra set of caring hands or too many cooks? PSP members share their advice about hiring a doula.


Babies and Birth Certificates

Paperwork may be the last thing on your mind when welcoming a new member of the family, but it’s a necessary evil. Avoid getting tangled up in red tape with tips from PSP members!

Are you expecting or raising kids in Brooklyn? Join Park Slope Parents to connect with a community that can offer support in all stages of the journey!

Wisdom from the Spring 2022 Birthing Survey

The results from our Spring 2022 Birthing Experience Survey are in! Park Slope Parents members shared their honest reviews of OB-GYNS, midwives, doulas, hospitals, and other support folks throughout Brooklyn and beyond.  They also passed along sage advice on pregnancy, birthing, and the post-partum period.

For member reviews and recommendations, head here; and for wisdom, read on!

Not yet a member of Park Slope Parents? Join us to connect with a


Virtual vs. In-Person Doula Support

As the new normal continues to evolve, so must your decisions around support from your birth team. Below, we've compiled insights and experiences from PSP members to help guide you as you and your doula think through whether they’ll be joining you up close or from afar.



Birthing during Covid: Key Takeaways from our Zoom-Ups

We had two more Birth Experiences Zoom-Ups recently, with folks who have birthed in NYC and beyond in May, June, and early July volunteering to share their experiences with expectant parents. Here are a few key takeaways—and remember that circumstances will vary between hospitals, so always check with your birth provider if you’re looking for concrete guidance.

We incorporate these highlights into thePSP Birthing Toolkit for ~50 pages of


PSP Members Most Valuable Birthing Class Lessons

What PSP members thought was the most valuable takeaway from their birthing class.

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Advice on getting to the hospital on "D" day

How to get to the hospital.

PSP members recommend a car service. What do you think? Read what they have to say.


Labor logistics with Baby #2

How do handle logistics of taking care of Thing #1 when you are in labor with Thing #2? PSP members share their advice.


Things to do for new parents home from the hospital

Here PSP members share how to really help a new parent.


Umbilical Cord Cutting

For parents to be, consider talking about umbilical cord cutting with your practitioner at your next check up. Recent research found positive outcomes for babies with delayed umbilical cord cutting. Here are some articles that discuss the findings but be sure to do your own research...

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Having Another Baby - Later in Life

PSP Members who got pregnant later in life (late 30s and early 40s) share their experience of giving birth and being a parent at a more mature age.


Recovering from a C-Section

C-section recovery can be full of challenges. You have to manage your pain, your scar, your movement—oh, and not to mention your new baby! Here, Park Slope Parents members share their Cesarean section recovery tips and experiences.



To VBAC or not to VBAC

Advice about whether to have another C-section or try for a Vaginal Birth After C-section (VBAC).


How to bring on Labor

What to do when you're past your due date?


Birthing Affirmations

Things to visualize and think about as you go through labor to help you cope with pain and fear.


Don't Freak Out Advice

Advice to help keep your blood pressure at bay! This article covers parents experiences with epidurals, breastfeeding, PPD & more.


Advice to Remember About Your Hospital Stay

Things to make your hospital experience better.


Things to think about before you go into Labor

Advice to think about while you're still pregnant!


Tips on an Unmedicated Birth

Tips for planning an unmedicated or home childbirth, website links and advice from Park Slope Parents.


How to Turn a Breech Baby

Information about turning a breeched baby.

