Suicide Resources for Parents and Tweens and Teens

If you are worried someone is suicidal or if you feel like you are going to hurt yourself, there are a few actions you can take:


Call 911: If there is an immediate risk, do not hesitate to call 911. 

National Suicide Prevention LifelineCall1-800-273-8255 for free confidential support. Available 24/7. 

Crisis Text LineText START to 741741 for free confidential support. Available 24/7. 

NYC Well  Call 1-888-NYC-WELL or text WELL to 65173. They can help you get a sense of whether the situation merits an emergency department visit. They can also link you to a Mobile Crisis service who can visit if needed. 

The JED Foundation Founded by the parents of a college-age son lost to suicide. They have resources for adolescents, families, and friends. They also have resources for creating curricula for middle schools, high schools and colleges to educate staff and students.

Transgender Suicide hotlineRun by and for Trans People. Available 10 am to 4 am EST. 877-565-8860

Teens talk to Teens (see this NYTimes article on Peer to Peer Crisis Hotlines).

Lines for Life, a nonprofit crisis-line organization.

YouthLine, a service that Lines for Life offers for those aged 11 to 21. 

U Lifeline provides help and resources to college students. Text "START" to 741-741 or call 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

Self Injury is a resource on self abuse. 

SiOS is an outreach initiative providing information and resources about self-injury to those who self-injure, those who have recovered, and those who want to help.

Talk to A Therapist: a therapist can do a risk assessment. Park Slope Parents has a list of Teen and Adolescent Therapists. 

The Dougy Center is a national organization with grief resources for children and families. 

Support for Caregivers

NAMI helpline National Alliance on Mental Health.   




Consider taking a Mental Health First Aid class. They are free and include classes for adults as well as teenagers: It can make people feel less alone, especially if they deal with anxiety or depression. 



The Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (  is free tool used to asses suicide risk in your community.  

Coping After Suicide Loss Tips for Grieving Adults, Children, and Schools

A guide from AFSP (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention)

Samaritans has a NYC guide with lots of local resources though it is a few years old

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention  Resources for Schools

NYC Guide for Survivors of Suicide Loss - Samaritans NYC

NYC Guide to Suicide Prevention, Services and Resources

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Suicide Survivors Grief Support Group (Brooklyn)

VIDEOS: (Watch these before sharing with your children)

Teen Suicide Prevention - YouTube

Shattering the Silence: Youth Suicide Prevention

Suicide: A collection of TED Talks (and more) on the topic of Suicide.



Campus Suicide and the Pressure of PerfectionSix Penn students committed suicide in a 13-month stretch, and the school is far from the only one to experience a suicide cluster. Some students blame the pressure to appear effortlessly perfect.

Students in high-achieving schools are now named an ‘at-risk’ group, study says  Emerging research is finding that students in “high-achieving schools” — public and private schools with high standardized test scores, varied extracurricular and academic offerings, and graduates who head off to top colleges — are experiencing higher rates of behavioral and mental health problems compared with national norms.

Suicide and Self-Harm



This is a millennial/gen z centered Instagram account   @sadgirlclub It’s mental health focused and really popular with the youth.They also hold events. 


A reading list to help loved ones cope with grief. 

A Student Dies, A School Mourns; by Ralph Klicker is a good book for parents. 



