Consider taking a Mental Health First Aid class. They are free and include classes for adults as well as teenagers: https://www.mentalhealthfirstaid.org/take-a-course/find-a-course/. It can make people feel less alone, especially if they deal with anxiety or depression.
The Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (http://www.cssrs.columbia.edu/) is free tool used to asses suicide risk in your community.
Coping After Suicide Loss Tips for Grieving Adults, Children, and Schools
A guide from AFSP (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention)
Samaritans has a NYC guide with lots of local resources though it is a few years old
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Resources for Schools
NYC Guide for Survivors of Suicide Loss - Samaritans NYC
NYC Guide to Suicide Prevention, Services and Resources
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Suicide Survivors Grief Support Group (Brooklyn)
VIDEOS: (Watch these before sharing with your children)
Teen Suicide Prevention - YouTube
Shattering the Silence: Youth Suicide Prevention
Suicide: A collection of TED Talks (and more) on the topic of Suicide.
Campus Suicide and the Pressure of PerfectionSix Penn students committed suicide in a 13-month stretch, and the school is far from the only one to experience a suicide cluster. Some students blame the pressure to appear effortlessly perfect.
Students in high-achieving schools are now named an ‘at-risk’ group, study says Emerging research is finding that students in “high-achieving schools” — public and private schools with high standardized test scores, varied extracurricular and academic offerings, and graduates who head off to top colleges — are experiencing higher rates of behavioral and mental health problems compared with national norms.
Suicide and Self-Harm https://childmind.org/topics/concerns/suicide-and-self-harm/
This is a millennial/gen z centered Instagram account @sadgirlclub It’s mental health focused and really popular with the youth.They also hold events.
A reading list to help loved ones cope with grief.
A Student Dies, A School Mourns; by Ralph Klicker is a good book for parents.