Websites, Videos, Books-- the best of the best to raise your tween!
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Gender and Sexuality Resources

Below, you’ll find resources to help you support LGBTQI+ kids, educate yourself on gender and sexuality, and help your young ones discover the wide range of identities that may describe them.

Not yet a member of Park Slope Parents?Join us today to get access to a community of families who can offer advice and support on all aspects of raising children in Brooklyn. Once you become a member, headhere to join the LGBTQ+ group!

Also check out


Books for Kids and Tweens About the Birds and the Bees

Got a tween who’s starting to ask some questions about sex, puberty, and all of that good stuff that comes with growing up? PSP members have the book recs you need to help educate your kids in the most age-appropriate, not-scary way possible.

Raising a tween in Brooklyn and not yet a member of Park Slope Parents?Join us today! And if you’re already a member,headhere to get connected to our Tweens & Teens Group.

This article also includes


Current Events Magazines and Websites Appropriate For Tweens

Your tweenager is curious about current events. Here, parents share some of the news outlets that explain current events in an educational, engaging and appropriate way for a tween.


Teen Skin Care: Real-Life Recs from Parents

Skin care can be a tricky business at any age, but particularly during the teen years, when kids’ skin is contending with new hormones and lifestyle changes. Park Slope Parents members who have been-there-done-that have shared some ideas for the cleansers and creams that worked best for their teens.

Read on for the recommendations—and if you’re not already a member of PSP,join our community today to connect with parents in our Tweens & Teens


Tween Suggested Book/Reading List

The list is broken down into three sections: Girls and Boys (books that address both genders), Girls, and Boys. In addition to books about the tween phase, there are titles about teenagers for parents whose children are quickly approaching the teen phase. In fact, some books address the preteen and teen phases together knowing the line is blurring in our modern age. By no means is the list intended as a comprehensive resource. Rather, it is a


