Helping our Healthcare Workers

Our healthcare workers are the best! They’re superheroes. They risk their own health to keep us all safe. And although not everyone has the skills to do what they do, everyone has the means to support them, whether that be by making masks, donating to medical institutions, or writing cards of thanks. Here are ways we can all help.


The Mask Crusaders is working on sourcing supplies from other industries and connecting them to to essential workers:


Donations: Please share with artists; galleries, museums; designers, producers; construction, general contractors, builders; painters; restorers; costume, set, prop designers; architects; restaurants & bars who are closed during the crisis).

Pick Up: Please share with health care networks, people working with vulnerable populations, public service workers still at work, or anyone else on the front lines who needs protection).



Operation Feed Brooklyn:


Currently, we’re supporting NYP/Methodist, Maimonides, & SUNY Downstate Hospitals in Brooklyn, New York, with weekly meal deliveries of 200-400 meals, and the need is growing.

With hospital cafeterias closed, healthcare workers have neither time nor resources to feed themselves while struggling to meet an increasing demand.

Restaurants are also struggling: to stay in business and to support relieved or furloughed staff. Your help is greatly appreciated.


Donate Plasma: 

Mt. Sinai and Columbia University are looking for people who have had and recovered from COVID-19 to donate their blood plasma to help current patients. 


Give to PPE for Jacobi-Montefiore EM Resident Physicians


"Hello all! We are the Emergency Medicine Resident Physicians at Jacobi-Montefiore in the Bronx. We are in the most underserved part of NYC and are thus at the epicenter of the impact of this pandemic. We are seeing hundreds of COVID19 patients a day and are doing our best to save lives.

We need your help to continue doing this work. Though our hospitals are trying to provide adequate PPE, there are national shortages. In some cases, we are getting only two N95 masks a week that we then re-use from patient to patient. These masks are supposed to be single patient use. We are seeing our own colleagues getting sick and being admitted into our hospitals. Some in the system have even lost their lives in this fight." 

Give what you can. 


Support various hospitals: 


New York State Department of Health Volunteer and Donation Assistance Program - Central location for offers from health care professionals offering their medical services as well as anyone offering goods, services, or space for donation. 


New York Presbyterian Healthcare Heroes - Accepting donations to provide NY Presbyterian employees with snacks, dinner, and other wellbeing resources for their staff. Where possible, meals will be sourced from local businesses to support the economic vitality of the service industry.


Mt. Sinai Hospital - Ways You Can Help - Details for making a donation of supplies, time, and money for Mt. Sinai’s staff and facilities.


New York University/Langone Medical Center - Donations are directed to help patients, frontline teams, and researchers.


Montefiore's Critical Response Care Fund - By donating to the Critical Response Care Fund, you support immediate needs across the institution as defined by our Critical Incident System team, including supplies, equipment, transportation, research, and more—ultimately, helping to halt this pandemic. In addition to monetary contributions, our medical teams are in need of in-kind donations. Click here to learn about our most immediate resource priorities and how to donate physical items.


Give to Meals for Methodist (Thanks to Jessica Fields for spearheading this initiative!)

"We are looking to support our local hospital staff on the front lines of treating the Covid-19 pandemic by providing meals. The meals will be delivered from local restaurants, which will help to support these local businesses too. Keeping the staff healthy is a top priority to all.

On average, a meal will cost $10 per person and our goal is to provide 100 meals per delivery. The meals will be individually packaged for safety and ease. The more money we raise, the more days we are able to provide meals.

For now we will be focused on providing meals to NY Presbyterian - Methodist Hospital in Park Slope. We will be ordering from local restaurants in the Park Slope, Brooklyn area who will be able to deliver the meals directly to the hospital."


A New Way to Donate to NYC Health + Hospitals

In response to many supporters of our public health care system, NYC Health + Hospitals has created an official way to donate to support the purchase of items that provide some personal comfort to our heroic teams. We are now accepting cash and select donations to cover meals for every shift, groceries to take home, hotel rooms for those who want to limit exposure to their loved ones at home, and taxi rides to staff who work the overnight shift in our Emergency Departments, ICUs and other vital patient care areas. Cash donations can be made through the NYC Health + Hospitals Network for Good fundraising page.

For donations of goods, services and supplies, please contact Linh Dang at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We want to track, monitor and organize this process to ensure every donation is accounted for and that donations are directed to where we have the greatest need.



Donate your MetroCard to an Essential Worker (put together by a friend of PSP, Sophie!)





Donate food or a Meal to a Local Hospital: they are particularly interested in breakfast items and individually wrapped snacks. 



Make home-made masks-- and find out where to drop them off! (compiled by one of our members, Laura!)


Sunny Side Up 2 from Stine.JPG



Make cards of support! Don’t know where to send them? Upload them on our public Google Drive so we can get them disseminated to lots of hospitals easily!




Sidewalk Art! If you live around a hospital (or a parking garage that is around the hospital) consider some sidewalk chalk THANKS so people going to work will see it!  From the folks at Methodist:  "We’ve been getting inspirational messages in sidewalk chalk. If any folks live around the hospital and their kids feel like drawing a nice message, whether on our block or their own, they should be encouraged. Odds are likely that hospital workers might park on their block if it’s near the hospital anyway."



Make Noise!  Every night at 7pm go outside and clap, bang on pans, and cheer your healthcare workers and ALL our essential workers!





You can also send them digitally to our PSP: Operation Feel Good Google Drive, and view other submissions here on SmugMug!


Donate your ski goggles!


