Favorite Lunar New Year Picture Books

What’s the PSP Chinese Group talking about this week? Our parents have some recommendations for the best Lunar New Year picture books. Put in your order now to keep the festivities going!

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One parent asks…


“Anyone have a fav Lunar new year picture book? Would greatly appreciate recommendations for 4-6yo.”


Recommendations include…


The Great Race: The Story of the Chinese Zodiac


“My daughters (3 and 7) love The Nian Monster by Andrea Wang. It’s been a favorite in our house for years.”



“When my kiddo was younger we read Bringing in the New Year by Grace Lin a lot. It led to some interesting conversations about how we celebrated versus how it was shown in the book. It was a nice lead up to more discussions about how families are different and celebrate different holidays, etc.”


“My kids love《十二生肖的故事》(The Story about the Chinese Zodiac). I also read books like 《团圆》(the Reunion) and  《回家》(Going Home) to my kids to introduce the most important holiday in Chinese culture from a different angle. 


I have recorded all of those books and posted them on my YouTube Channel “萝卜妈妈讲故事 Babyda's Mandarin Story Time.” Here is the playlist if you are interested.”



