Hiring a Nanny?
The 2014 Park Slope Parents Guide to Hiring a Nanny [Beta] is a combination of best-practices, insights and honest expressions culled from years of experience by a diverse group of parents who have all been where you are now. It includes:
Need an after school nanny/babysitter? We asked you for ideas and experiences, and have put together the PSP Guide to Hiring an After School Sitter.
Park Slope Parents strongly recommends you have a work agreement in place. Get yours here.
Does Your Nanny Need a Job?
Be sure to review our "Helping Your Nanny Find A Job" info on the PSP Website.
Need to post about your nanny? Please see the updated PSP requirements including our required template for nanny recommendations! We have a dedicated nanny moderator so it can take 24-36 hours for your message to post.
Saying "Goodbye" to your nanny? See our tips to help with the transitions including severance pay, goodbye partings, and more.
We have a section for nannies! Send your caregiver the PSP "Information For Nannies" guide with tips and advice to help them secure their next job.
Creating a Nanny Share?
We have updated The PSP Guide to a Successful Nanny Share to include tips from what works (and what doesn't) to salary information, scheduling advice and more.
Let us know if you have any questions or concerns in your search or posting process by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If you need to get on the PSP Classifieds please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
In the meantime, happy summer and best of luck.
See you around the Slope.
The Park Slope Parents Moderators