Favorite Lunar New Year Picture Books

What’s the PSP Chinese Group talking about this week? Our parents have some recommendations for the best Lunar New Year picture books. Put in your order now to keep the festivities going!

Did you know that Park Slope Parents has more than a dozen bilingual and heritage groups to help you get connected to families in Brooklyn who share your cultural background? Click HERE to get connected; and if you’re not yet a member of PSP, join us HERE!


Raising Bilingual Kids

Parents talk about raisining bilingual kids.

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Educating Our Kids and Ourselves on Anti-Asian Racism

A round-up of podcasts, articles, and resources shared by PSP members to help you educate yourself and your family on the legacy of anti-Asian racism in the United States and how we can move forward.


Photo via Elvert Barnes

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The PSP Guide to Raising Bilingual Children

The positive effects of bilingualism on all areas of life, from brainpower to academic and career success, have been well documented. If you've chosen to raise your child with more than one language, the Park Slope Parents Guide to Raising Bilingual Children—featuring insights from three speech and language professionals—is the perfect handbook to help you through each stage of the journey.

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Multilingual and Bilingual Resources

From books to bookstores, blogs, and more, here are some resources and ideas for raising a family with multiple languages.


