
Reminders: Halloween and Kids with Differing Abilities

Please be accepting of all children who arrive at your front door on Halloween because sometimes they are struggling with hidden challenges and the act of trick or treating doesn't come easily to them. They are thankful in their hearts and minds even if they may not tell you!


Food Allergies and Halloween: What to Do?

So your little one has food allergies. How do you handle Halloween, a holiday where allergens - more scary than the ghosts and witches out at night - will be everywhere?


DIY Facepainting

Face painting is almost always a hit with the 3-8 year old set. Hiring a face painter can be expensive, but they bring all the equipment and it's good stuff. You can also decide to try your own hand at making it happen.

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Where To Buy Halloween Costumes in Park Slope and Brooklyn

Over the years, pop up costume shops and stores selling Halloween gear have been available at the following Brooklyn locations...

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Halloween Safety and General Reminders

Halloween in the Slope is lots of fun but it comes with its own unique set of challenges - like how to tell your Princess Leia and Spiderman from the 400 other princess Leias and Spidermen. Here are our top tips for making our urban Halloween safe and fun.


Halloween Costumes for Procrastinators

You can make something wonderful (or at least socially acceptable) with as little as a few plastic bags and a snuggie. Here are some of the last minute costume ideas we came up with.


An Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Halloween

Is it your first Halloween in the neighborhood? Here is the spooktacular scoop on having a great Halloween with very small children.


Costume-Making Tips: How To Papier Mâché

Papier mâché creations: limited only by the imagination (and the laws of physics). For committed do-it-youselfers, papier mâché is the costume craft of choice. It's pliable,easy and kid-friendly, plus it's fun to watch your ideas take shape.

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Costume-Making Tips: Nothing to Be Afraid Of When DIYing Halloween

The  homemade, DIY costume is easy - all it takes is a little time and inspiration.  Here are some tips to get you started on a creative costume!

