What Does The Tooth Fairy Do With The Extra Teeth?

1. “The Park Slope tooth fairy makes bone broth.”


2. “My daughter says she uses them to build houses for other fairies.”



3. “There is a really cute book called Tooth Fairy by Audrey Wood. It describes the Hall of Perfect Teeth (think Baseball Hall of Fame lined with shiny, clean teeth) where the Tooth Fairy keeps the teeth.”

hall of teeth 


4. “He or she (there are many tooth fairies) uses them to build castles and bridges and roads, etc in the fairy kingdom.  In our house money from the tooth fairy has often come with a picture of the specific architectural masterpiece that this particular tooth will be used to complete.” bridge


5. “Make compost for the fairy garden.”



6. “One word: Formica.”



7. “The tooth fairy gives them to other children that need them.”

“I haven't had to address this yet as our first kid is still getting his baby teeth. So now that I'm pondering, I'd probably say (in the spirit of reuse/ recycle and charity) that maybe the tooth fairy gives them to children in need of new teeth! Funny, we never asked our parents what happened to our teeth. Most parents have told me they just toss them.”



8. “Gives them to babies. My daughter’s apparently showed up in her best friend’s baby brother’s mouth the very next day after losing it!”

 “The tooth fairy recycles them by giving them to new babies.”



9. “This movie answers your question, I think.”

 10. "I was told that they were used in spray paint cans.  'That rattle you hear when you shake a can of spray paint?  Yeah, that's some kid's tooth.'  Ah, thanks Dad, appreciate that gruesome image."


11. "The Tooth-Fairy uses them for making falsies and the dodgy teeth are broken up to make mosaic lamp-shades."
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12. "I'm gross, I save them.  I have a book I found that has "spots" for each tooth.  Totally oddly gory.  But I'm still upset "someone" lost my son's belly button.  Yes, I have borderline hoarding tendencies, but at least my junk is organized."



13. “It's magic. No one knows. My answer to a lot of these types of questions.”



14. "My daughter ended up writing, "She puts them in the sky to make stars."  That's my half glass full girl!"


