Help Raise Money for a Bathroom Attendant at Washington Park, Brooklyn


Last week’s discussion about lack of access to bathrooms at JJ Byrne Playground made it clear that we need more staffing at Washington Park. The first step in this process is hiring a seasonal worker—at a cost of approximately $17,500. Below is a link so you can help make that happen.



 $ Donate Money Here! $

If we can raise $50K in a month surely we can raise $18K. Been in the park in the past year? Please consider making a donation to the park. If everyone gives $10 then we’ll quickly have enough money to make sure that the bathrooms are staffed and peeing outside the stalls is a thing of the past! Washington Park is one of Park Slope’s best outdoor areas. It’s a great place for people of all ages.


Below is this week’s programming on the turf and in the tent:


Tuesday, July 22
8 pm Luvva Luvva Island – the Piper Apprentice Show to benefit our scholarship program – a hilariously ridiculous comedy, $10 suggested donation
9 pm Piper Films

Wednesday, July 23
7 pm The Legend of Redwall
8.30 pm William Shakespeare’s Land of the Dead

Thursday, July 24
7 pm Off the Page
8.30 pm Pericles

Friday, July 25
7 pm Amadeus
8.30 pm Hair

Saturday, July 26
Full Day Extravaganza
9 am The Legend of Redwall
11 am Off the Page
1 pm William Shakespeare’s Land of the Dead
3 pm Pericles, Prince of Tyre
5 pm Amadeus
7 pm Piper Films
8 pm Hair



