Book List: Leadership Book Recommendations

Original poster asks:

 “I'm looking for some book recommendations for an individual who is transitioning from a staff position to a leadership position at their company. This transition requires them to adjust their skill set and approach, and I wonder if there are any books out there to help those stepping up in such a way to restructure their thinking a bit. Any ideas?”






One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
What PSP members say: “A classic.”


The Effective Executive by Peter Drucker
What PSP members say: "One of the "classic" texts on that topic is "The Effective Executive" by Peter Drucker - well worth reading."


Originals: How Nonconformists Move The World by Adam Grant and Sheryl Sandberg


Managing to Change the World by Alison Green and Jerry Hauser
What PSP members say: "Managing To Change the World". It's put out by the Management Center (but available on Amazon), which works with non-profits, but you can apply their tools to most fields. They gave our organization a two-day training that basically goes over everything in the book and it's the only leadership training I ever took that gave me actual skills and tools to use (delegation worksheet, template check-in agenda, etc). They are downloadable for free on their website too. It changed the way I assign work, communicate with my staff, and generally organize my department. Much for the better."


The Harvard Business Review
"The Harvard Business Review has a whole selection of books on management and leadership, from the very short to longer, more in-depth books. I've found them useful and have given a few to my new managers. The one on time management it short and particularly good."


Books by John Maxwell
What PSP members say: “John Maxwell has a great track record for Leadership books as well.”


The Culture Map: Breaking Through the Invisible Boundaries of Global Business By Erin Meyer
What PSP members say: “The company I work for publishes a lot of books in this area, but the one I've found most useful for my interactions at work is a book about working internationally, across cultures. Even though I work with English speakers only, I was amazed at how many cultural differences there are even in the ways that Americans, Canadians, English, and Australians communicate, and how business can be fouled up if you're not sensitive to these differences.  True among different regions of the US as well!”


Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel H. Pink


Start With Why by Simon Sinek
His TedX talk


The First 90 Days by Michael Watkins
What PSP members say: “Although the "the first 90 days" is for new employees. It gives a clear understanding of how to approach your team and tasks.”


PSP member recommended web articles on this topic:


Radical Candor — The Surprising Secret to Being a Good Boss


