How To Get A Speed Hump in Brooklyn

Do you feel like the street traffic on your block is unsafe? Think about asking New York City for a speed hump! Brooklyn District Manager Craig Hammerman shares his tips on how to ask The Department of Transportation (DOT) to consider installing a speed hump on your block.

Craig R. Hammerman, District Manager of Brooklyn Community Board 6 shares the following, originally published in one of his district’s newsletters:


This is probably one of the most popularly asked questions:


"Street traffic on my block is unsafe.  How do I get a speed bump installed?"


Since 1996, there has been the appearance of the speed hump on New York City streets. Unlike their louder, taller and narrower cousin the speed bump, speed humps were introduced as an effective way to safely reduce vehicular travel speed. Anyone can ask the Department of Transportation (DOT) to consider installing a speed hump. If the street is an eligible candidate (ineligible street types include bus routes, snow routes, truck routes, two-way and wide streets), DOT will schedule a speed study of the block. The evaluation process can take a few months. DOT will let you know whether they will be conducting a study and give you a projected date when you should expect to hear their findings. Speed hump installation, which involves the application of asphalt material, roadway striping and posted signage, is done on a seasonal basis. If you have any special pedestrian groups, like youth or seniors, that rely on your street to travel to-from schools, parks, senior centers, medical facilities, etc., make sure to note that in your request to DOT. It may make a difference in how the request is evaluated.

Requests for speed humps can be addressed to DOT: Borough Commissioner Joseph Palmieri, DOT Brooklyn Office, 16 Court Street, 16th floor, Bklyn 11241. Make sure you send a copy to CB6 so we can followup or intervene on your behalf as needed.

Incidentally, unsafe street traffic could have any number of contributing factors. Speeding may be one manifestation, and speed humps are only designed to reduce travel speed. Other traffic calm-ing devices and measures exist to make streets safer and more livable; feel free to check in with us if you think there's more to the problem.


PSP Thanks Craig Hammeran, District Manager for sharing this with us!


