Considering placing an ad with Park Slope Parents? Read on for feedback from some of our past and present partners.
Questions? Reach out to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
...This section covers all you need to know about advertising with Park Slope Parents, a multi-faceted parenting resource for families in Brooklyn, NY. Your business can communicate with local parents through a variety of engaging platforms, from our community website to private message boards.
Explore the articles below and get in touch with This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to address any further questions.
Considering placing an ad with Park Slope Parents? Read on for feedback from some of our past and present partners.
Questions? Reach out to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
...A leaderboard banner runs throughout the site, so members and readers will see your advertisement on all pages, including recommendations for local services, advice on flying with children, pages advising new parents or expectant parents, and others. Only one paid ad runs in the leaderboard position at a time, making this a powerful purchase.
The PSP Weekend Picks is our weekly newsletter highlighting local, family-friendly activities. Newsletters are sent every week individually to 18,000+ current and recent members. Your banner appears near the top or towards the middle of the newsletter. Open rates average 64% - 76% and can be sent to the advertiser after the newsletter is sent.
This is a special way to be part of the community, build brand awareness, and align your brand with
...NOTE: If you represent a local public school or a religious organization, separate guidelines about how to post for these types of organizations can be found here.
If you are a 501(c)3 not for profit, continue reading for details about how to promote events and share other marketing materials through PSP.
Park Slope Parents offers up to three dedicated email blasts a week. These personalized, stand-alone, single advertiser messages reach over 18,000 current and recent members.
CONGRATULATIONS! Your business is listed on Park Slope Parents. Now it's time for the fun stuff: Add a description and a custom graphic to your listing.
Read on to learn about how and why to advertise with Park Slope Parents.
Note: Advertisers do not receive preferential treatment when it comes to recommendations or reviews by our active and opinionated member parents.
Run-of-site ads rotate throughout the PSP website. We offer a wide range of content to our members and readers — from recommendations for local services to advice on flying with children to resource pages for new parents or expectant parents — and with this advertisement placement, your post can be visible across all our content pages.
Interested in finding out more about our category banner ads? Read on for information about placement options, image specifications, and more.
Here are FAQs about posting for a local public school or religious organization. Are you a non-profit? Information about how to post for a non-profit can be found here.